Our Packages
Little Royal Party
45 minutes with one character of your choice*
Meet & Greet with the princess
Storytime led by the princess
Princess Performance, where the princess will sing a song or two live!
Games (Princess themed freeze dance, and time permitting, a game inspired by the character)
Photo Opportunities!
Coronation Day
60 minutes with one character of your choice*
Includes everything in our Little Royal Party:
Meet & Greet with the princess
Storytime led by the princess
Princess Performance, where the princess will sing a song or two live!
Games (Princess themed freeze dance, and time permitting, a game inspired by the character)
Photo Opportunities!
a Dance Party with ribbon wands
A very special Coronation Ceremony where your birthday child will be crowned an honorary princess or prince of their kingdom, and receive a tiara and certificate from us
A wishing ceremony where the birthday child and all of their friends will get to make a wish with a magical wishing stone and pixie dust
Birthday Song led by the princess (either "Happy Birthday" or our "Happy Birthday Princess" song)
Fairytale Party
90 minutes with one character of your choice*
Includes everything in our Coronation Day Package:
Meet & Greet with the princess
Storytime led by the princess
Princess Performance, where the princess will sing a song or two live!
Games (Princess themed freeze dance, and time permitting, a game inspired by the character)
Photo Opportunities!
a Dance Party with ribbon wands
A very special Coronation Ceremony where your birthday child will be crowned an honorary princess or prince of their kingdom, and receive a tiara and certificate from us
A wishing ceremony where the birthday child and all of their friends will get to make a wish with a magical wishing stone and pixie dust
Birthday Song led by the princess (either "Happy Birthday" or our "Happy Birthday Princess" song)
A Sing - Along led by the princess
A Princess Dance Lesson taught by the princess, where the guests get to learn how to walk like a princess and other fun dance moves
Birthday Song led by the princess (either "Happy Birthday" or our "Happy Birthday Princess" song)​
A choice between Arts & Crafts led by the princess, glitter tattoos, or Mini Makeovers (including eye shadow and nail polish)